How to Clean On-Cloud Shoes? Step-by-Step Guide!

To clean your On-cloud shoes you can add two spoons of a mild soap to lukewarm water. Soak a sponge in this solution and clean the uppers gently.
I love my on-cloud shoes. This wonderful pair of whites fits my feet perfectly, is pretty comfortable for mild running and brisk walks, and has a decent appeal to it—BUT BUT BUT!!!
This particular footwear gets dirty quicker than a monster truck running down a muddy track (yes, exaggerations included).
So, yes, cleaning my on-cloud shoes is one of the biggest challenges for me. That’s what encouraged me to research, learn, implement, and write this blog for y’all, discussing “how to clean on cloud shoes.”
So, if our pains are shared, the solution can be too. Let’s find out how to clean your on-cloud shoes like new!
A million-dollar realization
As I grew older, a realization dawned upon me. There’s nothing like a multi-purpose shoe. And even if there is, you can’t use the same shoe for everything.
For instance, I have a close circle of friends, and many of them are athletes and runners. I have seen them taking their on-cloud shoes for granted on more than one occasion. In fact, my younger brother played his first game of soccer wearing these little babies (torturous, isn’t it?).
And that’s not just it.
Here’s how you do not clean your On-clouds
(I hope you can recover from this).
1. Using a hard brush
I have seen my friends use a hard brush to wipe off dust and debris from their On-clouds. The cushioning system of these shoes is delicate, can go for a toss when you use an extremely hard brush.
Here’s what you should be doing
Take a soft brush or a moist cloth. Gently run it over your on-cloud shoes and make certain to use a sponge to clean all of the persistent stains. Once you’ve used the sponge, you can rinse the pair using cold water.
I have followed this cleaning technique for the last six months. YouTube taught me this very effective (and harmless) technique for keeping my on-clouds in good stead. If you are planning to buy your first pair of on-clouds, you should know that it’s not daily that you get to buy these babies. In a way, on-cloud shoes are a long-term investment.
Problem: dropping them in a washing machine
Similarly, there are those who drop their ‘beloved’ pair in a washing machine. Well, all I’d say is: that your shoes deserve better.
Here’s what you should do
Getting your on-clouds washed in a washing machine should not be a problem, but do ensure that you use a mesh laundry bag whilst cleaning them. You can also go for a zipped mesh bag to ensure a safe wash. However, make it certain that there is nothing else inside the bag whilst the shoes are being cleaned.
When I first got my on-clouds, I tried to clean them along with my beloved Boston Red Sox jersey. So, I stuffed them both inside a mesh bag. Dropped the bag into the washing machine. And followed a surprise.
Once the contents of the mesh bag were taken out, I could see an ugly red tinge ornamenting my on-clouds. Simply put, this bite-sized misadventure turned into a case study. It spoke at length on how not to clean a white-on-cloud pair. XD
Problem: Washing on cloud shoes in a dishwasher (well, that is gross)
A friend of mine did try out this lesser-known way of cleaning. However, I will not recommend it. In all fairness, I did get annoyed when he brought to my knowledge that a dishwasher had been used by him to clean his on-clouds. Here’s Why You Should Not be Doing That!
On-Cloud shoes can be cleaned using a dishwasher. However, if you choose to do so, I would consider it to be nothing more than an act of sabotage. Well, that is what it is (literally). Dropping them in a dishwasher would expose them to incredibly high temperatures. Such an act can end up warping the soles.
Plus, the material used in these shoes can also be harmed. Hence, it’s not the best idea to use a dishwasher for cleaning your fair beauties.
Problem: what to do when the shoe laces get muddy/dirty?
A lot of my friends ask me: “How on earth do you keep your On-Clouds clean and tidy?”. Well, I just tell them that I take good care of them:). One of my closest friends asked for some much-needed help. He wanted to know if I could tell him something about the ‘art’ of getting the shoelaces of his on-clouds cleaned. And, I had to help him. (You can say I had no other choice:) )
Here’s what I advised him
Getting the laces cleaned is the hardest part, Joe tells me. Well, I could not have agreed more. I, too, believe that getting the shoelaces cleaned is a job easier said than done. But, this trick made it easier.
Soap and water to the rescue 🙂
To clean this dirt, you’d need a soapy solution. The solution can be made by mixing lukewarm water and a mild soap. Once the solution is ready, we have to immerse the laces in this solution. Scrub them, albeit gently, to remove all kinds of dust, dirt, and mud.
Drying & rinsing are just as important
Once you’ve cleaned the shoelaces, rinse them with clean water to remove all of the soap residue. It would be great if you let the laces dry naturally. Once they are dry, rethread them through your shoe’s eyelets.
Problem: How to clean smelly on-clouds?
There’s nothing worse than a smelly pair of footwear. My father used to scold me whenever I wore my shoes without socks. The stink that emanated from them could clear a room in seconds. It wasn’t just a smell, it was an assault on the senses. No amount of airing out or washing could rid them of that foul odor.
Here’s what I’d do!
My experience growing up in a sports-loving family has taught me a few handy techniques to look after all kinds of shoes. The same ideas are helping me keep my on-clouds clean. To begin with, you can use the deep freeze technique. on-clouds, wrap them in a plastic bag and stuff them inside the freezer. And, WAIT IT OUT!!!
This kind of deep freezing for three to four hours can help kill odor-causing bacteria, making your pair fresher, prettier, and more hygienic.
To draw the curtains
Well, in caring for my on-cloud shoes, I have learned that proper maintenance is key to maintaining their quality and longevity. Avoiding harsh chemicals, such as bleach, and opting for gentle, natural cleaning solutions, such as vinegar, helps ensure the shoe material remains intact, and its color unaltered.
When dealing with moisture, I’ve found that packing the shoes with newspaper or towels and allowing them to air dry in a well-ventilated area effectively removes dampness without damaging their structure. By following these steps, you too can continue enjoying the comfort and performance of your beloved on-cloud shoes for years to come. 🙂
Now, let’s look at some of the most common questions and answers about cleaning on-clouds.
Is it possible to clean my on-cloud shoes with bleach?
Bleach is not advised to be applied to on-clouds. A strong chemical bleach can deteriorate shoe material and change its color. I suggest using natural cleaning solutions, such as baking soda vinegar or light detergents instead.
What should I do if my on-clouds get wet/moist?
To remove moisture from the inside of your shoes, pack them with newspaper or dry towels after removing any extra water. Let them dry in a well-ventilated space.
How should my laces be maintained?
The shoes’ laces can be taken out and hand-washed with a little detergent. Consider immersing stains that are difficult to remove for a few hours in a detergent solution. After giving them a good rinse, let them air dry before replacing your shoes.
What steps should I take if my on-cloud’s mesh rips?
You may be able to fix any tears in the mesh of your cloud shoes by using shoe glue and a material patch. It’s important to remember that this could have an impact on how well the shoe fits. It would be worthwhile to get in touch with the manufacturer if the rip is significant.